One-On-One Coaching
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Parents who work with me one-on-one start their journey with the
No-Yell™ Parenting 7 Step Foundation Program
“Foundation” - noun
the basis or groundwork of anything:
the natural or prepared ground or base on which some structure rests.
This program takes you through a step by step process to build a solid parenting foundation that will take you through the teen years and beyond.
It involves the following:
Learning guiding principles for making the best parenting decisions
Understanding what your child’s behavior is telling you
Becoming less reactive and more able to respond to what your child needs in the moment
Getting clear on appropriate developmental expectations for their child
Recognizing the impact of stress on child and home environment
Coming to see the importance of “putting your own oxygen mask on first”
Feeling more connected to their child
Acquiring supportive strategies and tools to help you be the parent you really want to be
Shifting from Child Centric to Parent Centric Paradigm